Litter Intelligence Education Project
The award winning Litter Intelligence Education Programme (LIEP) that is featured by United Nations as a best practice model is a flexible programme for teachers and students changing hearts, minds and behaviours around litter pollution.
LIEP develops individuals skills and capabilities in creative leadership, problem-solving, presentation delivery, storytelling, influencing techniques, community engagement, citizen science and much much more. The programme is highly adaptable; allowing teachers to work collaboratively within a sustainability context and achieve subject-specific learning objectives across all curriculum levels.
The project features:
An interactive website, data entry app, and access to real-world data for classroom use.
A Citizen Science training workshop and kit to enable beach litter monitoring.
Access to support and resources from our Sustainable Coastlines team.
Education resource pack including all planning documentation.
Inquiry-based learning integrating all learning areas.
ARC GIS mapping technology to capture the learning journey.
Opportunity to submit to a library of Action Stories to increase action competence.
“Your deep knowledge of how to create engaging, authentic learning experiences for kids (and adults) that have the potential to transform their world view and how they act and influence others” – Dr Sandy Britain – Project Manager – Sustainable Coastlines (now Head of Digital Strategy at the Ministry of Education)
Consultancy included:
Education design of the programme from concept to delivery
Curation of the education resource pack
Design and delivery of the accompanying professional development training
Scaling strategy for the programme
Ongoing support for the international scaling of the programme